AC Repair ~ Prepping Your Air Conditioning System for SummerAC REPAIR

As summer approaches and hot temperatures loom, it is crucial to prepare your air conditioner to combat the heat. Taking the necessary measures to ready your AC unit for the upcoming months not only enhances its performance and efficiency, but also contributes to reducing your property’s carbon footprint and saving you money on utility bills. By following these steps, you can ensure that your air conditioning system is fully prepared to provide optimal cooling during the summer season. Schedule Now

Prepping Your Air Conditioning System for Summer: Ensure optimal performance and prevent costly issues by conducting regular professional inspections, recommended at least twice a year prior to the peak operating season.

Our Best AC RepairAC Repair Las Vegas experts can help ensure your air conditioning system is working efficiently so you stay cool this summer. Contact us today to learn how preventative maintenance helps reduce your utility bill and carbon footprint and read on for more ways to best prep your air conditioning system for summer.

How to Prep Your AC System for Summer ~ Best AC Repair

Change the Air Filter

One of the easiest things you can do as a property owner is to ensure the air filters are routinely changed. Air filters collect dirt and debris and prevent it from circulating throughout a property. Yet, over time, they become heavily soiled – and it can impact the efficiency of your air conditioning system. Most manufacturers advise changing the air filter at least once every few months. The benefits of doing so include:

• Better overall indoor air quality and seasonal allergy relief
• A cleaner overall home
• Air conditioning efficiency improvements (the U.S. Department of Energy says that replacing dirty air filters as recommended can improve energy efficiency by up to 15 percent)

Perform Other DIY Maintenance

Aside from regularly changing the air filter, you can perform other DIY tasks to ensure your AC unit is operating efficiently and effectively. These include:

Preparing Your Air Conditioning System for Summer

Regular maintenance is crucial for peak performance of your air conditioning system. To ensure optimal functionality, it is imperative to clean the outdoor condenser unit and eliminate any obstructing vegetation or landscaping. Additionally, thoroughly cleaning the fan blades will remove any debris that may have accumulated. By following these important steps, you can ready your air conditioning system for the upcoming summer season. Remember, proper AC repair and maintenance lead to a comfortable and efficient cooling experience.

Check the outdoor condenser’s lines for leaks. Inspect and replace insulation if needed to prevent energy loss. Adequate insulation is crucial for optimal AC performance. Ensure your system is ready for summer with these AC repair tips.


To ensure optimal performance, thoroughly clean the outdoor condenser, trim vegetation and landscaping near the unit, and meticulously clean the fan blades to prevent potential AC repair issues and ensure efficient operation during summer.

Schedule Preventative Maintenance or Repair

Does your air conditioning system really need preventative maintenance?

Prepping Your Air Conditioning System for Summer: Routine preventative maintenance, as highlighted by the U.S. Department of Energy, can lead to up to 30% savings on utility bills, improved home comfort, better indoor air quality, and a reduced carbon footprint.

Routine care can also help maximize the return on investment of your air conditioning system and save you money in the long run. Like any major appliance, the better you care for it, the longer it’s going to last. Annual maintenance helps catch small issues before they become big, expensive, and potentially debilitating ones.

At Eco Friendly Air, our technicians are certified professionals who aim to leave your air conditioning system in better operating condition than they found it in upon arrival. Contact us today to schedule your service appointment or view our Air Conditioning Repair Las Vegas page for information on AC repair in Henderson and more.

Consider a New, High-Efficiency AC Unit

On average, a typical air conditioning unit lasts for 15 to 20 years. And today’s high-efficiency units can help improve energy efficiency by more than 50 percent compared to older systems. This doesn’t just help reduce energy bills, but your property’s carbon footprint as well. The bottom line is that if your current system isn’t running as well as it should be, it could make more sense to invest in a new unit rather than continue to spend money to repair your existing one. Contact Eco Friendly Air today to learn more about the value proposition of doing so and if a new, high-efficiency AC unit makes sense for your household.

Contact Eco Friendly Air for Air Conditioning Repair Las Vegas

For more information on how to prepare your air conditioning unit for the summer months, contact Eco Friendly Air today. As a full-service AC repair Las Vegas firm dedicated to helping clients live comfortably while saving money and reducing their carbon footprint, it’s our mission to leave a property in a better state than when we arrived. Contact us today for more information and to schedule your service appointment or new system consultation.



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Eco Friendly Air Conditioning and Heating Las Vegas